If you run a community group or local club, then you may be interested in hosting a craft party. It is a great way to utilise the skills within your group and get everyone together for a celebration. These tips will help you pull everything together.

Much like speed dating, the approach we are going to share today will allow each attendee to do two activities.
Lay out a table for every craft project you have available. Number each table. All craft tables should be set up before everyone arrives. This will build anticipation as people guessed what they’ll be making.
It is nice to have 3-6 people per table. The crafters will be sat around the table, with space for the teacher, their supplies and tools. Due to the limited space around the table, it is a good idea to pre-cut shapes or use large equipment in advance.
Mixing up the group
We will base our example on 30 people at the event, 6 tables, and 5 people on each craft table.
When people arrive, ask them to write their full name onto two slips of paper. One copy will go into Bucket A, and the other in Bucket B.
Once most, or all of the 30 attendees have put their names in the bucket, the host can randomly pick out five names for each craft table from Bucket A. This will determine the first activity each person will do. Put these selections on a table, or large piece of card for people to see what their first activity is. Crafters are to then tot off to their first activity. Late comers will go on their closest available empty seats.
Time limits
Allow one hour on each craft. This will go very quickly once they get into the project. The host should give time warnings after 30minutes, and 45minutes. The host could be taking photos as they go around with these time updates!
When time is up, crafters should go to the front table or board to see what their second activity is. The host will have checked that people are not given the same craft twice.
If you have two crafts, and food, I would allow 3 hours for this event and a strict time keeper.
Ask for contributions
I have been to Craft Evenings where we were asked to bring a savoury item and a couple of pounds to help with the event costs. I arrived with a trusty pasta salad mix, some fancy baked crisps, £5, and no idea what I was getting myself into. It was a great event and the food made everyone feel helpful. If it is an evening event, then let people eat before crafting. Hangry crafters are not fun.
Craft ideas
Ask your group if anyone has any crafts they would like to teach. Tell them the budget, timeframe and space details in advance.
Tip for Mayinspire Members: Use the online Mayinspire Workshops library for craft ideas. Filter by 1 hour crafts, low costs and easy difficulty level. You will get how-to-guides which you can print for your crafters to take away with them.
Other ideas:
Book art
Brooch making
Magnets or keyrings
Origami stars in Jars of Joy
Card making in boxes

Enjoy creating your craft party.