Bands have been using clever merchandise ideas for many-a-year. It builds a unique brand and creates passionate fans. Well it seems like Sports Team got the memo when promoting their latest album.
Fans that enjoyed their gig at The Loft in Southampton on Wednesday night were given the opportunity to pre-order their album which is released in April 2020. All fans which pre-order on their Winter 2019 UK Tour receive a signed copy of the vinyl, CD or cassette. But it gets better. Fans were also surprised with a branded tin containing flower seeds. The band are encouraging fans to plant their seeds now, so that the flowers bloom in time for the album to land on their doorstep. The pack also includes band cards in an envelope which states "Sports Team. Not just your regular garden variety band."

And the most beautiful part of this all, is rumour has it, they haven't even started recorded the album yet. A fantastic example of how people will support bands they believe in, and by rewarding this dedication, the support will only grow...but not in your regular garden variety way.